Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Anatomy Day 1

Well, I did it. Attended class: both lecture and lab.

I can tell it is going to be a lot of work, but I think it will be doable. I am actually pretty nervous how it will be for me dissecting the real animal tissue. Today in lab we just looked at plastic models of human organ systems and also some microscope slides of different types of tissue (histology). But sooner or later we will be cutting up whole - and portions - of cats, sheep, pig, etc. Well the lecture professor said at least one thing that reassured me, the animals didn't die so that we would have something to dissect. They were either from shelters (sad) or had to be put down for other reasons.

Anyway though. On a less sad-animal note, here's something cool I learned today. In terms of comparative anatomy, guess what corresponds with our ear canal, in fish.

It is actually the gills. Can you believe that? I cannot. I mean, I can actually, and it's kind of fascinating.

I had an lunch and an interesting conversation with a little 19-year-old college sophomore who's also taking the class and who has her head on surprisingly straight for someone of that age. I was impressed. It is interesting looking back at myself almost ten years ago. I'm not sure I would have had it so together back then. I think I told her as much. She was also heartened upon hearing that I am in the process of making so drastic (somewhat, not super drastic) of a career change, that she didn't have to know exactly what she wanted to do for the rest of her life.

It's ok little one, life's gonna throw in turns and kinks into whatever you plan anyway.

(last sentence as much for me as for her of course :) )

Monday, May 21, 2012

Look what happens

Someone from my high school posted this on facebook and it really struck me somewhere inside, especially that last phrase.

Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth, “you owe me.” 

Look what happens with a love like that. 

It lights the whole sky. 

This quote appears to be attributed to Hafez, Persian poet.

Friday, May 18, 2012


Yesterday was my last day of work. Very bitter sweet.

I have been ready for awhile to move on to a new phase in my life, but it was so so tough to say goodbye to everyone I've come to know over the past five years.

We had a little going away party, and (here is the craziest, nicest thing I can imagine, which I wasn't expecting at all), my coworkers chipped in and got me a going away present: an ipad!!!! I was a little bit almost in shock and so touched by such a gesture from everybody that I hopefully didn't just sit there dumbfounded saying something like "oh my gosh WOW" and was able to get out a gracious thank you. But really, what a blessing to work with people who care so much that you succeed, even when you are leaving them, sending you on your way with such a thoughtful and useful gift.

I was eager to see what it was all about and playing around with it last night... there are so many features... for example, I can download apps about the different systems of the human body (muscles/bones, organs, etc) and there are models at different levels of magnification, I can zoom in and rotate around, use it to study and see how everything is fitting together. I'm sure there are other uses I haven't even discovered yet. Wow. I just keep thinking that to myself. Wow. And every time I use it I will remember how blessed I am with the people from this part my life who care for and support me.

This next week is serious overload.

  • Today I have to bike over to BU where I'm taking Anatomy and Physiology, pay my tuition, get my textbooks, etc. 
  • My first day of the course is Tuesday. I have six hours of lecture and four hours of lab. 
  • I'm registering for an online developmental psych course as well.
  • Saturday I take the GRE. 
  • And tonight, my friends the Danes are coming into town and will be here through almost all of next week. 
  • My roommate is graduating from his master's program and his girlfriend and family will be in town. 
  • I still need to work out the lease for this coming year with my two new future roommates. 
  • Now that I have more free time during the week I need to get back in touch with the people I was shadowing for observation hours and see if we can set up some more regular times I can come in. 
  • And I want to do some last studying for the GREs. Maybe take another practice to build up my endurance. 

It is weird. A week or two ago I felt so many conflicting emotions, like inside of me was where crazytown was happening. Now that I've actually officially begun my new path, I still feel like things around me are a bit all over the place, but I'm strangely calm in myself, where I'm headed. Purposeful.

I'm sure that feeling will come and go, but, for now, I run with it.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Kale Quiche

I made it. It was delicious, but I maybe used too much kale so mine turned out kind of crumbly. Used frozen and used the whole bag. I guess that is equivalent to more than one bunch. But seriously, a bunch is a pretty vague unit of measure. Anyway. Tasty.

(not my picture)

Here is linky: Kale Crustless Quiche

Also I am interested in trying: Gatherer's Pie and Mushroom Thyme Gravy.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

No roommates...?

...no pants?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Here I Go

Changes in my life happening.

I announced at work today that I will be leaving my job in engineering to pursue a new degree and career in... physical therapy!

Even though I enjoy working with my coworkers, I had been struggling for quite some to have a vision for myself, my future on this career track. It was a tough decision to come to. Thought long and hard about so many options or paths I could take. Visited different clinics, talked to people who are currently practicing, in school, went to an information session/open house at one of the schools in the area. It just feels right to me. The plan now is to take prerequisites over the summer and in the fall and to apply in the fall for admission next year. I have fulfilled some of the prerequisites in my civil engineering degree, but I still have to take Biology, Psychology, Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry II, and Exercise Physiology. Lots of work. I can do it though. I know I can!

Everyone at my job has been soooo supportive and kind and understanding. Giving me hugs. Saying really nice things about me, and about working with me. Saying they want me to be happy and find work that will make me happy, that they will miss me. I was joking with myself on the way home, nothing like quitting your job to help you feel affirmed in yourself! But seriously, I couldn't ask to have worked with nicer people. It will be hard to say goodbye. Having these conversations has made the transition easier in some ways, harder in others. I get a little sad just thinking about it now.

Actually I feel a combination of this:

and this:

and this:

And this:

Time to wax philosophical though. I've learned so much these past years working here. A lot of it is very specific, task-based skills, which I will likely never use again. However, possibly more of what I have learned has been things I will carry with me no matter where I go.

  • Balancing my time
  • Organizing my thoughts and organizing the steps of a task
  • Seeing a something through from start to finish
  • Working with clients
  • Learning to explain complicated things in a simple way
  • Standing up for myself
  • Getting in touch with what it is I actually want
  • Working with people who have different communication styles

Yes all of that goes with me wherever the road takes me. And I'm sure there's even more than what I listed. Tomorrow I am attending the ribbon cutting for a project I worked on at its beginning back in 2008. A very nice conclusion to this stage of my career and life. Seems like everything is falling into place finally.

Just last week I had a mini-meltdown, felt like I was stuck, couldn't get into the classes I needed, like I would never move forward to where I want to go. Then yesterday night before bed, I made the decision to go for it, to just jump, and see where I land, I suppose. Right before I was about to sleep, within minutes of making my decision, I just thought I would quickly check the website for the class I need to take, just in case. There was an opening. The class had been full for weeks, every time I would check the site. Somebody had dropped the class right before I checked, and I was able to register. A miracle.

Thank you universe, for blessing me on my way.