Monday, September 15, 2008


Beth and I went to Allston street fair, and it was amazing.

We saw the local band Bad Ash, which had the #1 most sincerely awesome drummer in the nation, and all the hipsters showed up in their best skinny jeans with their largest gauge earrings and their trucker hats and suspenders and cigarettes.

Oh and we got free organic salad greens. Seriously now, what more could anyone ask for?


Thirdmango said...

You know it's funny, when I read the comment on Rachel's blog I heard your voice as I read it and realized you write just like you talk. That is wonderful!

Bbear said...

Marriage with the #1 most sincerely awesome drummer in the nation?

Or maybe some sick techno beats instead of screaming in agony from the bar down the street....

Katie said...

3M - how else would I write?

beth - or maybe some clip-on earrings?

Mere said...

Oh, I SO want to go with you next time. Pretty please?