Tuesday, January 15, 2013


As for my life, I've been having a relaxing month or so, which is great. Applications were in by the end of October. Finished up classes before Christmas. Had a great time with all my fam for the holidays. So now I'm just having a bit of fun, prepping for my upcoming interviews, watching shows, hanging out with siblings &co. Wrapping up my last online class (developmental psychology).

For Christmas, I got P a rock climbing pass so we went several times. Here I am trying my hand at some inverted bouldering:

Been trying to get out snowshoeing as much as I can get buddies to go with me. Went once with P and R (we barely managed to summit Kearsage North by the time we needed to turn back in order to return to the car before dark):

...and another time with B and A (this time, not so fortunate; it was too foggy to make our way to the top safely, but it was still a fun trip):

So far I've been invited to interview at four programs, but two of them are scheduled on the same day, so I had to turn down one of the interviews. I'm interviewing in Denver, DC, and here. So a nice spread. I'm still waiting to hear back from the fifth school, which is also here.

So, I have to say life is overall going pretty well for this one.

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