Monday, November 7, 2011

NBPM: Totally Cheating

This is totally cheating as a blog post, but I came across this tutorial on how to do a really cute bun using only a sock:

That was actually going to be my whole post but then I thought of something else I want to say.

I was thinking about crafting, art, on the way home. How I really enjoy it. Almost more than anything. By myself or with other people, doesn't matter, both are nice. Even if whatever it is comes out super crappy (a lot of the time it does - a lot of the time it comes out fantastic too), it is still just enjoyable to be MAKING. Like the process itself is pleasurable. So, as I was walking I was thinking or wondering if it isn't because there is no pressure to perform in that type of situation. Nobody's counting on me, there's no deadline, there's no need to be accurate or money will be lost or someone's reputation will be damaged. It's just nice, like how eating is nice, or running is nice, or jumping or singing or swimming in the waves of the sea. My pace, my vision, just see what happens. You know?

Potato print pillow in progress

Finished product!


ME said...

I think I know what you're saying. Pressure to perform makes it harder for me to enjoy things.

Xan said...

I think there is also something very satisfying that comes from seeing something created by your own hands.

I come from blue collar people, we do things with our hands and at the end of it, we can say "I helped make that." I work a white collar job, makes it hard to say "I helped make that" when there is no "that" to be made.

So for me, crafts help me say "I made that" even if it's imperfect...I feel good, because I DID something. :)

Xan said...

Also, I think you should start making me things. :) I love (so far) everything you've posted on here! Or just start doing tutorials, so I can steal your ideas. :) :) :)

Katie said...

Yeah I think it's a little bit of what both of you guys are saying. Removing pressure makes things enjoyable. And making things with your own hands is just pretty rewarding in and of itself.

Mere said...

Painting with you is seriously one of my favorite Boston memories. I think the pleasurable element is you, because when I'm creating something, I often feel pressure to be arty or clever, which I'm usually not. But I didn't feel pressured when we were painting, so I had a great time.

I love your pillow!

Katie said...

Thanks Mere. I liked your cathedral painting! That was a very fun evening indeed...